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This section contains miscellaneous & general financial information that you may find useful when dealing with certain life events.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

This document contains a short explanation of Capital Gains Tax, the allowances available in the 2024/25 tax year, and how you can use it in your year end tax planning.

Civil Partnerships

Civil Partnerships

Civil partnerships in the United Kingdom, granted under the Civil Partnership Act 2004, allow couples to obtain essentially the same rights and responsibilities as marriage. Initially the Act permitted only same-sex couples to form civil partnerships. This was altered to include opposite-sex couples in 2019. Though from March 2014 full same-sex marriage was legalised in England, Scotland and Wales, civil partnership remains available. Designed to be very much equivalent to marriage for same sex couples, a civil partnership carries both rights and responsibilities, in very broad terms, attracting the same legal and tax protections/advantages/disadvantages as a traditional marriage. This article explains further.

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax

A short explanation of Inheritance Tax and how to plan for it in your tax planning.

UK News

Dubai-based Bybit said it could afford to reimburse customers and that it was working to find the hackers.
The energy regulator is demanding to know how many people have been sent back bills.
Customers' photos and documents stored online will no longer be protected by end-to-end encryption.
Chancellor faces a rising challenge to keep her tax and spending plans on track after missing forecasts.
The London station's owner and Eurotunnel hope to expand routes to Cologne, Frankfurt and Switzerland.

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